💌 September 2024 newsletter

Posted on October 23 2024

September 2024 newsletter

"but hey, we all have our own ceilings to break! "

Discussing moments of feeling the fear and doing it anyway

Something that keeps coming up at the moment is 'feel the fear and do it anyway'. I've been using this mentality to make some big decisions recently, but also small ones too. 

Last week I attended an evening with Jacqueline Wilson, who was one of the first major authors in my life. I read every. single. thing. she released when I was younger, and it was incredibly emotional to see her talk in person! I think everyone in the room just wanted to give her a big hug and a thank you. I also attended the event alone, which in the past would have been something I would really stress over. However for the first time ever, I didn't even realise until I was on my way back that I had booked it without thinking and just gone and enjoyed it! A HUGE win for little ol' me!  

Over the weekend my 3 year old also took part in his first ever taekwondo grading. There were a lot of parents there, but also a lot of new teachers to witness them testing their skills - and being a covid baby, he has always been nervous around lots of people. He made himself as small as he possibly could and we could see him getting upset, but after a big cuddle he decided he wanted to carry on to get his new belt!

I have never been more proud of that tiny little guy in a room full of giants, showing his awesome skills that he practices so hard. Needless to say he was absolutely thrilled with himself afterwards and wore his uniform and new belt all day . 

And that's the thing isn't it? If you push past the fear, you finish on such a high! Then every time afterwards it just becomes a little easier, until you stop thinking about it. 

I'm not sure I'll ever be as brave as my sister, who this last week has paddleboarded on a 500m deep lake, and stood on a rock suspended 1000m above a sheer drop... but hey, we all have our own ceilings to break!  

In business terms, my friend Alice always says to 'take messy action'. Don't wait for everything to be perfect before doing, otherwise you will never do. I'm trying to embrace this a little more and not panic about things being exactly right - which is why this particular collection is a little upside down behind the scenes. 

I have left everything except the sleeves (the most beautiful sleeves) until last minute, as I desperately want to include things that just haven't turned up yet. So I've planned as best I can, and will take quick messy action as soon as the boxes arrive so that I can get you things I know you will love! 

So here's to taking a few more risks and feeling the fear, because it feels incredible afterwards!  

- Abby

Liam is our honorary member of the month! 

Something a little different this month as I didn't organise myself in time to speak to one of you whilst Beth is off! . So here is someone you may find familiar... the other half of P+W!    

Your preferred name & pronouns: Liam (he/him)

What do you do?: I'm the P+W photographer! I also help with sleeve making and run my own wedding photography business, Folkstar Photography! 

Favourite book sleeve: Palm and Palm II together absolutely slaps. 

Favourite book: Addie LaRue, Big Magic and Creativity Inc. 

Current read: The Digital Marketing Handbook by Alice Benham. (Abby: excellent full circle moment, as this is the Alice I mentioned above!)

Random fact about you: I'll give you 3!

1. I cannot name a single food I do not like. 

2. I play guitar and drums. 

3. I am a black belt in tae kwon do so watch out!


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